Serving both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties
The Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program is here to help Medicare beneficiaries
- Understand Medicare Coverage
- Compare Supplemental Insurance and Medicare Advantage Plan policies
- Identify the most cost-effective Prescription Drug Plans for their needs
- Learn about help available with paying for prescriptions
- File Medicare and Medicare Advantage appeals
- Understand Long Term Care Insurance Options
HICAP does not sell anything, but provides free and unbiased information and counseling about Medicare so you can make informed decisions. The Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program is a statewide network of nonprofit organizations authorized by state legislation originally authored in 1985 to provide free, independent, unbiased information and is the only agency authorized by the California Department of Aging to provide Medicare counseling. HICAP is funded through the Older Californians Act from the Area Agency on Aging and State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) funding from the Administration for Community Living (ACL).
Local Help For People On Medicare