The Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens-Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a non-profit organization responsible for allocating federal and state dollars to local agencies to insure that supportive, nutrition and health promotion services to older adults in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties are available.
Area Agencies on Aging are also known as the “Aging Network.” This network includes the Administration on Aging (AOA) at the Federal level, the California Department of Aging at the State level, Area Agencies at the local level and public and private agencies serving senior citizens with social, nutrition and health services. Working together to serve the nation’s elderly.
Programs and Services
We coordinate and monitor a system of services for seniors. In recent years over 2.3 million dollars has been allocated per year by the Area Agency on Aging to support:
* Home delivered meals
* Senior lunches
* In-home supportive services
* Homemaker services
* Telephone reassurance
* Respite for caregivers
* Long term care ombudsman
* Information and referral
* Transportation services
* Legal assistance
* Senior day care services
* Senior citizen centers
* Home repair
* Peer counseling
* Care management
* Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program
* Alzheimers Day Care Resource Centers
* Brown Bag Program
* Senior Employment Services
* Vial of Life
* Elder Abuse Prevention
* Health Promotion
* Medication Management
* Vial of Life
Our activities are prescribed by the Older Americans and Older Californians Acts and include:
* Assessment of needs and services that benefit senior citizens
* Coordination of local activities in Long Term Care planning and system development
* Coordination of activities of Older Americans Month
* Coordination of existing programs and services that serve older persons
* Development of resources and funds to expand services
* Monitoring and assessment of senior programs
* Advocacy and provision of community education
* Support for the operations of local committees examining agency issues
* Coordination of California Senior Legislation election
* Publication of a quarterly senior news bulletin.
Our History
The federal government passed the Older Americans Act in 1965. This Act was designed to remove individual, social, economic and physical barriers in order to help elders maintain independence and dignity in environments of their own choosing. The 1973 amendments created Area Agencies on Aging. The Central Coast Area Agency on Aging was created in March, 1975.
Board of Directors
The Central Coast Commission for Senior Citizens is governed by a Board of Directors. A majority of the Board must be 60 years of age or older. Five of the 12 Directors are recommended by:
* San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors
* Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors
* Santa Maria City Council
* Santa Barbara City Council
* San Luis Obispo City Council
Others are recommended by community agencies and organizations.
Advisory Council
Is composed of 30 members, 51% of whom are older persons. The council develops an Area Plan to guide operations and set program priorities. The Council advises the Board of Directors on planning and administration and acts as an advocate for older persons. All members of the council are recommended by community agencies and organizations.